Your spirit knows who you are Your spirit knows the flight plan The bible says those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God romans 8;14 The bible says Then Jesus was led by the Spirit mattew 4;1 The bible says For everyone born of God overcomes the world 1 john 5;4 Your spirit in an overcomer When the Holy Spirit begins to take charge You will be greater in your work place Greater in your school Greater wherever you are planted Greater in the promise land or outside the promise land just like the children of Israel that were led by Moses It will be all because of the Holy Spirit living in you Apostle Paul said I no longer live Christ lives in me BEGIN TO DECLARE THAT CHRIST LIVES IN ME Let the Holy Spirit take charge Allow the Holy Spirit to take you to the promised land To the land flowing with milk and honey Because God is is still taking his people to the promised land By his Spirit glory to God